Launch and scale Dynamic Copay plans

Configure plans on any network, seamlessly integrating your clients' point solutions

Leverage our powerful product suite

DC Engine
Synthetic Bundler
Shopping Platform

Connect with Helm

Simple integrations that work with your systems and grow with your business

Set up data exchange with claims platform

Helm can work with any claims platform to set up and administer Dynamic Copay plans

Enable search experience

Connect our powerful search tool directly to your member portal

Our member experience

Dynamic Copay eliminates complexity, delivering clear, simple information
for members to make decisions

Familiar search, powerful results

Shop for care like you shop for anything else - with prices you can understand

Know the cost, 
keep the choice

True out-of-pocket costs for every provider, no estimates or ranges

Lock in today's price for tomorrow's care

Book now or later - your price stays the same, guaranteed

Move beyond the deductible plan era

Schedule a demo